Date retrieved: November 8, 2022 to

 In the first quarter, I learned a lot. Nothing is easy when it comes to school but you can make it easier by putting a full effort on it.  I discovered that all my subject teachers are effective in teaching as I learned a lot from them. They are good in teaching and helpful especially when I'm asking them on the topic that I don't understand that much. I also discovered that my teachers have an high expectations on us because we are an SSC students and I am pretty sure that we met that expectation of theirs.

I encountered a lot of problems in school such as lack of time in reviewing and also comfort room. I can't really focus on reviewing because there is a lot to review and task to do and I don't know what to do first if it is the tasks or reviewing for the quiz. I find this a problem because I'm still adjusting and not used to this set up but I'm sure that I will get used to this. I also face some challenges in getting along with my classmates because we are shift and some of my classmates are from other section and I have difficulties in getting along with them because they are new to me.

I solved this challenges by putting faith on myself and putting an effort on every task I do. I doubled my effort and seek a help on my teachers and also on my classmates. I am grateful to them because they help me to go through this situation. I also put myself in a positive mindset that everything will be fine as long as I put effort and carefulness on everything I do. Ans I also seek help from my parents and friends.

Moving on, I will always do my best and try my best on everything I do. I'll put my full effort in this coming quarters. I will be a good student and be a role model to my fellow students. I will do all this to show respect to my teachers and also to my parents. I'll do all these so that my parents will be proud of me and I'm doing this as an appreciation to them because they are sacrificing so that I can get into school.


  1. You did so well this quarter, let's strive more harder next quarter!


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